About us

Curious, free &

We are a colourful bunch of queer, pleasure-loving creatures. We like to play and we invite everyone to join in, explore and discover. In our garden, we invite people to express themselves, to come hang out and try new things. We host experiences and workshops suitable for less experienced curious souls, as well as more seasoned kinksters. The atmosphere is light, playful and fun, with a wide range of flavours offered to try.We set up our garden of pleasure at festivals and organise our own events. Expect a feel good space.

A place to land into the body, move with intention and take a peek into new worlds to discover, each with their own atmosphere and potential pleasurable experiences.Since all of our senses like to be spoiled, the musical journey is no less important. No surprises here if you know us a bit by now; we have a broad taste, as long as it invites us to tease, play, have fun. From light, fairy tunes to deep, dark and sexy… bring it on!

We’re also fascinated by art and beauty, so we’ll be sure to decorate our spaces abundantly. The colour palette is rich and warm, with fantasy garden elements.As hedonists, we find pleasure in a lot of things. A perfect day in our world could start with some delicious invigorating yoga moves, then we’d tickle our brain with a creative exploration, have a relaxing (four handed) massage and move into spicy sexy interactions in the dark hours of the night.Care to join?

Where to find us

The Peacock Garden was born at Kamiwaza Festival, a boutique festival experience
at the grounds of a medieval chateau in the West of France. We were dreaming of a space for people to express their sensual selfs freely and created this fantasy garden.
After leaving the nesting grounds, the birds spread their feathers to show even more colours...

The Age of Aquarius - The Festival

A weekend devoted to pleasure. To expression. To playfulness. Being you… and being you in relation to others. Very much a party. Very much a journey. Will you fly away with us?July 20 & 21 2024

Château Perché Festival - Stage Hosting

Your favourite crew will spice up the most colourful festival of France. Do we see you there?We're ready to enrich the castle grounds with our juicy feminine vibes. Add some je ne sais quoi, you know? Expect fun times and light energies from the paradise birds.June 27 - June 30 - 2024

The Peacock Parties - Past Events

We've been on some adventures together already. Were you one of the OG Peacocks?
July 2022 Kamiwaza Festival
January 2023 Opposites Attract
April 2023 Feel the Spark
August 2023 Uncaged
January 2024 Dancing with the Dark
While it's not our first rodeo, every event is a new journey, inspired by what's alive in our community, brought to you with all the love and attention for detail.

The Peacock Garden - Collective

As the paradise birds we are, we've got some tricks up our sleeves. From juicy workshops to ultimate holders of spaces, lusciously decorated, bien sûr.If you know of an adventure that would be to our tastes, we'd love to hear from you.Our organisational team is an all female crew and we've got a big extended Peacock Family to bring on adventures.

Want us to share our secrets with you?

We'll let you know about our next adventure first. No spam, promised.

Our Values

You’re most welcome in our garden.
Heaven on earth in our eyes. Please take note of our values as you enter our space...

We like our Paradise Birds a little extra (expression)

You’re invited to express yourself. Wear your most risque outfit, show some skin, dance like everyone is admiring you and be as extra as you want. Don’t mind gender norms or other constructs that might limit your expression.

YES to pleasure (consent)

Enthusiastic consent is key! If it’s not a fuck yes, fuck it (not literally in this case). This goes for everyone involved. Yesses can be expressed verbally or non-verbally. Listen with your whole body. Check if you’re unsure. There’s a lot to explore in the garden, so if something is not for you, just move on. Find your “Yes, and more please….”

You are the master of your desire (self-responsibility)

You are the only one responsible for your experience. It’s up to you to create your own adventure, ask for support where needed and to explore and protect your boundaries.

Show, don’t tell; co-create with us! (cocreation)

You’re invited to share your skill, experience or exploration so that others can share the journey and potentially find something they enjoy. We create space for spontaneous workshops or experience, the more flavours, the better.

Stay curious, even if it’s not your thing (curiosity)

If you notice you’re triggered by something, don’t project your judgement on someone else. See if you can take a step back and observe from a place of curiosity.
That being said, you’re responsible for your experience, so if it’s not for you, remove yourself from the situation and follow a new path to bliss ;) If you struggle to shake off the trigger, there’s always someone in our chill out to share your experience with or to ask curious questions about their experiences

The feathers of love quivering in a soft breeze, tantalising my skin on a velvet cloud

Let's connect... we're all about connection ;)

© The Peacock Garden. All rights reserved.

Peacocks, unite!

Come together. Show your colours.

Rise above the individual and welcome a new paradigm. A world of freedom. Age of Aquarius here we come...We are a fem-led safer haven to meet likeminded birds of paradise. We believe in community. While people all around get more isolated, more disconnected and more lonely…. Be a rebel and find your tribe instead.Spread high vibrations, ripples of love and unity. Love is the answer. Always.Join us to go extraterrestrial.

For our next adventure together, let's embark on a journey to a new age, the Age of Aquarius, where we let harmony and understanding be our guide.We are serving you with something much bigger than a festival. We carefully curate a meaningful journey around what we feel is alive in our field.From landing in our space, to our workshops, the opening show and the many performances you'll encounter, everything is part of the story. All in the name of more freedom, self expression and community.

But that's not even the most important part. In the end it's all about you.You create the magic. By consciously choosing to be in the moment and take part. This is why we want to feel you.Now is the time to speak up. To infuse your energy into our vision for Aquarius.Let us create this journey with and for you ✨ it'll be most pleasurable, promised! Take your time. Deep breath.

As part of our inner circle of peacocks, you're invited first. Jump in :)

We ask you to answer a few juicy questions below, before you can get your ticket for Age of Aquarius. This invite is only for you, but since we trust you, you can buy a second ticket for someone you'd like to bring along.Grab the limited Early Birdies! You have a head start, a secret early way in.We open our doors in:

    Age of Aquarius - Festival

    Aquarius calls us to come together. An age of discovery, new ideals and a longing for a better future. To share knowledge. At the same time it’s signals more emphasis on personal freedom. We can’t wait.
    Our journey will entail all of these elements and a lot of love. Ofc blended together with the juiciest rhythms for endless dances. We nestle ourselves in a lovely Amsterdam garden with outdoor & indoor spaces.
    We don't provide sleeping accommodations.
    Expect a full weekend. It'll be yummy.

    Join the Age of Aquarius! Let's get closer...

    We will use your input to carefully curate a delicious journey centered around self-expression, community, love & connection. A reality for a short weekend, with the intent to create ripples into our lives and far beyond...

    While sex is definitely not the end-goal, we value freedom in all the forms it may take. The performances and workshops can get spicy, and there are hosted playrooms to get as steamy or cosy as you like. Please tell us about your experience & attitude.

    Thank you! Our Secretary will get back to you shortly :)

    We'd be delighted to welcome you...

    Please get your ticket (and one for a dear friend or lover).Tickets purchased without an attached form are not valid. If you didn't complete the form first, please do....


    Financial InclusivityWe understand that the ticket prices can be difficult to manage. We are committed to create a rich experience, with a lot of dear talented peacocks adding their magic. A high quality event, with attention to detail, which makes it expensive (and awesome).The team behind our paradise garden is doing this from a place of love, not monetary gain. We would love your support in creating our beautiful garden.However, if the ticket price limits you to take part, please get in touch, we'll find a way.